It’s Been a Minute


Wow! It’s been long time since I’ve posted anything on my website. Are you still there?  I certainly hope so.  I have a lot to talk about and to fill you in on since I last posted.  If you keep up with me on social media you know a lot has happened in my life.  

Let’s start with the biggest change.  I am now a divorced woman!  It took an excruciating amount of time and a shit load of money to make it happen, but I am free.  At least legally speaking.   I actually felt free the day he left us and I had the apartment to myself.  Funny how that works when emotionally and financially controlling people move on and you reclaim your life.  

Let me re-introduce myself!  I am DJ Cunningham.  It’s a totally pain in the ass to change all of the accounts, passports, social security cards, e-mail addresses and eventually the very name of this website, but I am a Cunningham.  I always will be one. Thank God I didn’t engrave all of my sterling silver! 

Over those four long years, I reinvented myself professionally.  I created my dream job as an on-camera host, creator and producer of the travel series “Meet Me There”.  How’d I do that?  I was a member of the luxury travel club Exclusive Resorts.  I’m a tv personality who likes to tell stories.  I’ve traveled like a gypsy most of my adult life.  I merged all three of those things and,  voilà, I had my own travel series.  I’ll be doing it again soon.  

I took a huge leap and stepped back into the world of television news.  I’ve spent the last few years at Inside Edition, the most successful syndicated show in television history in case you were wondering. If you find yourself competing on Jeopardy that fact may come in handy one day, so you’re welcome.  Nearly a year to the date after I started, I was promoted to Entertainment Manager.  It has been a fantastic experience during one of the most insane times in the news business. The experience is interesting to say the least. Stay tuned for more news!

Overnight, I became a single working Mom.  Talk about a big change.  I always wanted to work and have my own career but we found reasons not to pursue it after we married and Corbin was born.  The biggest reasons were so I could stay at home with Corbin, we could travel as a family anytime we wanted and we didn’t really need the extra income.   It’s important for Corbin to see me work and re-boot my career.  Being a strong female role model for him is important. 

My Dad died.  Just like that.  He was here one day.  He was gone the next.  That’s how it is for everyone.  But it was out of the blue and a total kick in the teeth when it happened.  I’d always called my Dad when I needed to talk.  He was always my biggest cheerleader when it came to my career and anything else for that matter.  Losing him just weeks after my marriage completely imploded was a real blow.  I hate that Corbin didn’t get to spend more time hanging out with him and doing those things that granddads do with their grandsons.

I fell in love again.  It’s amazing to be able to really FEEL love and give it back to someone who is receptive to it.    My sweetheart has been in and out of my life since my years at the University of Arkansas.  I’m so grateful we reconnected.  Even more grateful to have a partner that can communicate with me, travel, explore, laugh, love, etc.  It is a deep connection that I wasn’t sure would happen again for me.  But it did.  I love having him in my space and being in his.  And coming from a woman who likes her own space, that is saying a lot! 

So is that me in a nutshell since my last post?  Pretty much!  There will be more to come soon and under my name DJ Cunningham so keep an eye on your in-box.